Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2 peas in the pod?

K is out of town for a few days. The morning he was leaving (5.5dp5dt) I wanted to test, because I was hoping it would be positive and then we could have a celebration. With the fresh cycle I told him over the phone, which wasn't as exciting as I had hoped, so I knew at the beginning of the FET that if I found out I was pregnant I wanted to tell him in person this time. Now, back to the morning he was leaving... I tried to be all sneaky, but my pregnancy tests were sealed in an ama.zon box. He heard me rustling, so I had to abandon my plans to test or risk ruining the suprise. All day at work I was thinking about testing. I had trouble concentrating because I wanted to test (not a very good situation when I'm trying to be a good medical student.)

When I got home from work I ran to the bathroom and peed in a cup. I hadn't been refraining from drinnking, so I had to make sure my urine was at least somewhat concentrated before dipping a nice, expensive pregnancy test into it. It looked ok. I reassured mysself that if it was negative I was testing fairly early using mid-afternoon urine. I dipped the test in and set it on the counter. As if she were a guardian of the pregnancy test, my cat jumped up on the counter and stood watch over the test for the full 3 minutes. I left my cat with the test and when I walked back in a few minutes later this is what I saw:

Two beautiful lines.

I haven't told K yet, because he doesn't get back till tomorrow night or Friday, but I couldn't wait to share with all of you. Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes with this cycle. Whenever I recieve an email alerting me of your comments it makes my day. You girls are the best :)

I have thought about things and going forward I am going to believe my babies are healthy and strong and that everything will be ok. I've been imaging 2 healthy embryos growing and 2 healthy babies being born in ~9 months. 1st beta is Friday morning.


  1. OMG!!!! YAY!!!! This is fantastic news! Thrilled for you!

  2. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so so so excited for you! I can't wait to hear an amazing beta on Friday. Congratulations!

  3. It is crazy how I am crying for someone I don't even know. What a blessing!! Congratulations!

  4. Those are beautiful lines! Congratulations!

  5. So very excited for you, Dee. So awesome :)

  6. Those are TERRIFIC lines. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Congrats woman! How fantastic for you and the hubs!

  8. Congratulations!! xoxoxo

  9. Congratulations and good luck!

  10. Congratulations!!

  11. Here from ICLW.. congrats! Don't know how you could keep that from him for more than a minute!
