Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Twiddling my Thumbs

To keep myself busy over the next 1.5 months my goal is to lose 5 pounds. I want to get my body ready for pregnancy *fingers crossed* so I want to eat healthy and be at a healthy weight. I am not overweight per se. My BMI is 24.5ish, but I weigh close to the most I've ever weighed. My plan is to re-direct my obsessive tendencies at healthy eating and weight loss. Brilliant right? :)


  1. Good luck with your healthy eating!! I love the mediterranean diet myself :)

    1. I love the mediterranean diet as well! Minus the fish, since K and I are vegetarians. We do eat a lot of veggies, fruit, whole grains (I sort of obsessively avoid white bread/pasta), and olive oil. My down fall is I love to make and eat dessert :)

  2. I've been there...and keep sliding back. I think it's hard when you're not technically "overweight," but know you need to lose some. Like, when you can still cover problem areas with artful clothing...then it seems easier to have that 2nd (or 3rd??) helping of pasta....

    Wait, that's on the Mediterranean diet, right?

    1. lol, I love pasta :) And mexican food. I hope you get to eat a lot of delicious mexican food in Mexico!

      I have a history of losing weight then gaining it back. I think one of my main problems is eating to stay awake, which I do a lot while studying or even at work when things are boring in the hospital. I also tend to eat when I'm stressed, which IF doesn't help with. Now that I get my period much more often I rationalize "I am PMSing, I deserve a brownie" :)
