Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Back on for 2

Thanks to your comments and texts I was encouraged to email Dr. D. I let him know that I respected his opinion, but still desired to transfer 2 embryos, and asked if he could bring up my case at the next RE team meeting. He sent me an email this morning that the team decided it would be OK for me to transfer 2 embryos. I met with my therapist this evening and we discussed transferring 1 vs 2, and I believe transferring 2 will be the path of least regret. No one can't predict the future on this difficult infertility journey, so the best I can do is listen to my gut and chose the option that I believe will give me the least regret in the long run.

Today is my and K's 3 year anniversary. I am so lucky to have him. He makes this whole journey worthwhile and I don't think I could make it through all this heart ache without him. We went out to dinner and discussed transferring 1 vs 2 embryos. His main concern is the finances involved with potential twins. Money is fairly low on my list of concerns at this point, but I understand where he is coming from and tried to address his concerns. I did remind him that transferring 2 embryos can result in 0, 1, 2, or 3 babies. Transferring 2 embryos is no guarantee of twins (although I wish it was!) He said that he is OK with transferring 2 if that is what i really want. We did finish the dinner by reminiscing on all of our favorite wedding and honey moon memories, so it wasn't all infertility talk :)


  1. Glad you've come to a consensus. Choosing how many embryos to transfer is one of, if not THE hardest decision in the IVF process. It sounds like you've talked about it and analyzed it from all angles and have made a good decision. Wishing you all the best!

  2. I'm so glad that you and your doctor were able to agree. YOU should most definitely go with your gut. Happy Anniversary!!!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Glad you guys had a nice date, with only a little infertility talk mixed in! I agree that it is all about regret management at this point. Did they give you a timeline for transfer? Which up time will you be in? See you monday!

  4. Happy anniversary! I just wanted to let you know that I left you a blogger award!
